math 217 umich

Math 217 Project

Why study Mathematics?

The Null Space and Rank of (A^T)A are Equal to the Null Space and Rank of A


Row Echelon Form and Reduced Row Echelon Form

The Null Space and Image are Preserved by Invertible Matrices

ROB 101: Dot Product & Orthogonal Vectors

Positive Definite Linear Operators

The Cholesky Factorization

The Rank of a Matrix

Gaussian Elimination

The Rank Nullity Theorem

Square Roots of Matrices with Nonnegative Eigenvalues

The Smith Normal Form: An Example

The Frobenius Rank Inequality

The Smith Normal Form of a Matrix

The Sylvester Rank Inequality

Math 679 / Lecture 23: Finishing up

ME Seminar FA 2024: Katsuyo Thornton

Sheng Zhong (Johnson): PhD Defense

We Are DEI | University of Michigan Student Voices | 2023

Webinar: Applying to the UMAPS Program

Day 1 Opening Remarks (Qing Qu, NYU & Umich)

rXn 2019-2020 Recap